20% DISCOUNT 20/3/21-20/4/21
Six years ago today I sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). It was like any other day, out the door at 7:45am; pressed the remote control to open our double wooden panel garage door; it tracked back along the plastered ceiling as usual; Glen and I said goodbye and I proceeded to open my car door. BUT with no warning, the suspended garage door and the steel surrounding support suddenly dropped from the ceiling … and onto my head. Consequently I sustained a traumatic brain injury. I spent four years of pretty much fulltime rehab with neurologists, neurophysios, neuropsychs and a wonderful team at the Epworth Rehab in Hawthorn. Slowly I have been gaining my life back. Believe me, it’s no easy road. The last six years have been extremely challenging, emotionally draining and physically tiring. But I have turned a corner … this weekend was the first weekend in all that time that again I enjoyed the sound of the surf, I could walk on the sand unaided, I could browse through shops and DRIVE …. Yes drive. Last week I was given the all clear to drive again. It feels so good to be gaining my independence back. I am still on a journey like so many others.
I have been able to get this far with the wonderful support in particular of my hubby Glen and my three gown up kids Hannah, Paul and Jess. They have driven me places, sat with me, laughed with me, cried with me, held me. My beautiful grandcherubs Eddie and Annie have loved me, stayed with me, brought back joy in my life. Friends and wider family have visited me, walked with me, slowly helped me to integrate back into “society”.
Along the way I discovered a love of painting and more recently pottery. Painting initially helped to "unlock" my inner-self, thoughts and feelings that I found hard to express. Through my continued recovery, painting has become a love and passion, I call it “healing art”. For me, trees in particular are very symbolic. Even when they lose their bark or leaves and look very different to what they were before, they are still a tree, the same tree! That's what it felt like for me after my injury, I felt like a totally different person, I had to re-learn many basic things in life, but I was still the same person deep inside. I still have to remember to "ground" myself at times - and it's the tree that I look to help me.
My hope is that my art helps others in their healing journey and provides opportunities for connection with others and nature. I hope they encourage good conversations, opportunities for reflection and a reminder to practice mindfulness. I even have my own website now… corinneyoung.com.au and for the next four weeks (until 20 April 2021) I am offering a 20% discount on all paintings (this will be applied at checkout).
Live life, laugh often, sing, dance, walk barefoot in the grass … just be!!