I currently have a solo exhibition on at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness & Research Centre at the Auston Hospital. It's called “Finding me” 

Here is an excerpt from the ONL newsletter April 2022, Edition 21 ....

“Finding Me” is a story of reconnecting, healing and finding oneself through art following a traumatic brain injury, cancer diagnosis and the isolation experienced during Covid.

Corrie’s paintings capture her feelings, places she has visited, and her deep connection to the natural environment, memories and looking to new horizons. Some of her paintings evolve from a photo, and sometimes from her imagination, often capturing something whimsical, unexpected, or surreal.

“Through the ONJ Art Therapy program, I started to look more closely at the symbolism in my paintings, reflecting on what I see, finding meaning and discovering insights into myself.

I came to realise my paintings tell the story of my own unique experiences.

I hope the story of my art “journey” might encourage you to see the healing power of creativity, to help you feel more in control, have tools to self soothe and calm, and to give insights to your soul”.

The exhibition is currently on display in the Level 3 walkway – ONJ Centre.

May 11, 2022 — Corinne Young